Domestic & International Collaborators

HELP University is proud to collaborate with numerous prestigious universities and organisations from Malaysia and around the world.

HELP University's extensive network

At HELP University, we take pride in our extensive local and global network, fostering collaborations with esteemed institutions and organisations in Malaysia and globally.

Through initiatives such as student exchanges, mobility programmes, research partnerships, staff exchanges, franchise agreements, and credit transfers, we offer our students unparalleled opportunities to broaden their academic horizons. 

Whether embarking on a semester abroad or engaging in collaborative research endeavors, our students benefit from diverse perspectives and enriching experiences. 

Likewise, our faculty members have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and expertise with international counterparts, enhancing our academic community’s intellectual vibrancy. At HELP, we believe in the transformative power of global engagement, empowering our students and staff to thrive in an interconnected world.

Here are some reasons why our academic network is the best

Besides being the pioneer in twinning programmes, HELP University has an extensive list of universities and colleges that we collaborate with in numerous ways.  Here are some of the reasons why you should consider studying at HELP: 

  • Credit Transfer - After completing one or two years of study at HELP, you're able to transfer to our partner universities overseas to complete your degree, saving you and your parents a substantial amount of money

  • Student Mobiity and Exchange - We have a great student mobility and exchange programme. Experiencing different cultures firsthand promotes cultural understanding and tolerance among students, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

  • Global Awareness -Exposure to global issues and perspectives broadens students' understanding of the world, empowering them to become informed global citizens and agents of positive change.

  • Long-Term Connections - Alumni who have participated in international exchanges maintain lifelong connections with fellow students and institutions, enriching their personal and professional lives for years to come.

  • Cultural Exchange: Experiencing different cultures firsthand promotes cultural understanding and tolerance among students, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

  • Credibility and Recognition - Partnering with reputable international universities enhances the credibility and recognition of our programs, boosting the value of a degree from HELP University.

List of Our Domestic & International Collaborators

The collaborators listed here is not exhaustive...

Grenada, West Indies 🇬🇩

Pakistan 🇵🇰

USA & Canada 🇺🇸 🇨🇦