Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CICTL)
Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective teacher. This course is for both novice and experienced teachers.
Why pursue Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning at HELP?
The course at HELP has three phases that enables progression through a spiral of learning, reflection and application in order for teachers to develop their understanding and practice:
Explore: Candidates explore some key teaching ideas through pre-reading and they start thinking about their approach to teaching and learning. With a mentor, they observe and reflect on a lesson taught by a more experienced colleague. They also get to know each other, and their trainers. They begin keeping a reflective journal.
Engage & Extend: Trainers use active learning techniques to help candidates develop their understanding of key theories and aspect of professional practice. There is the chance to practice, discuss and apply learning. Collaborative micro-teaching of a lesson segment is an important learning experience in this stage. Candidates also meet 1-1 with a trainer to help them reflect on their teaching and learning so far. They use their reflective journal to record their learning journey.
Experience & Reflect: Candidates observe and conduct lessons during this phase. There is particular focus on planning, inclusion and reflecting on a lesson. Candidates also reflect on their learning and begin to compile evidences of their learning in preparation for their next steps as they work on their Portfolio submission.
Candidates use their learning in a professional context and reflect on this experience with the support of a mentor. Written assignments enable candidates to reflect carefully on their developing understanding and practice of teaching and learning, within the context of wider literature.

Programme Overview
The Certificate comprises three units related to practice which together form Module 1: Exploring learning and teaching
- Unit 1: Understanding principles of learning and teaching
- Unit 2: Teaching an effective lesson
- Unit 3: Facilitating active learning through effective teaching and assessment
Applicants must have the following entry requirements:
Entry Requirements
5.5 - TOEFL
550 paper-based (213 computer-based; 80 Internet-based) - MUET
Band 5 - SPM
A for English (A1/A2 or A+/A/A-) “(not including SPM 1119)” - UEC
B for English - HELP Foundation in Arts/Science
Credit for either Intermediate English or Advanced English - South Australian Matriculation
14/20 for English as a Second Language - Canadian Pre-U
65 for ENG4U
CICTL to CIDTL (Cambridge International Diploma in Teaching and Learning)

Applicants must have the following entry requirements:
Entry Requirements
- Be a full time or part time teacher employed in a school or higher education institution.
- Teach in their current school over a full academic year, for a minimum of 24 weeks and minimum of six hours per week
- Have the regular support of a mentor who understands the essential principles that underpin this qualification, and who can provide helpful advice and guidance.
- Teach a group with a minimum of six learners.
- Be responsible for planning, teaching and formatively assessing groups of learners.
- Have sufficient competence in English (At least a B+ in SPM; IELTS Band of at least 5.5; MUET Band 4 or any other equivalent qualifications). Please contact us directly regarding this.
Here are the career pathways for graduates who complete the Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning programme. The graduates can further their studies and do a postgraduate degree to further unlock more career pathways.
For Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree
- Corporate Consultant
- Talent
- Management Consultant
- Corporate Training (Soft Skills)
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing Manager
- General Administrative
- Management
- Conflict Resolution and Mediation Consultant
- Customer Relationship Manager
- Advertising and Public Relations Consultant
- Political Strategist
Life Coach - NGO worker
- Journalist, Media Reporter or Mass Media Consultant
- Market Research Consultant
- Academic Tutor
- Research Assistant
- Headhunter
For Graduates with a Postgraduate Degree
- Organisational and Industrial Psychologist
- Clinical Psychologist
- Child Psychologist
- Counsellor
- Crisis Counsellor
- Educational Psychologist
- Forensic Psychologist
- Academic Lecturer and Researcher
- Sports Psychologist
- Ergonomist
- Neuropsychologist
- Neuroscientist