HELP University recently opened the Malaysian Public Library, Research and Development in Wisma HELP on March 11, 2022. The Opening Ceremony was officiated by Datin Chan-Low Kam Yoke, Deputy Chairperson of the Foundation and Group CFO of HELP University. “This is a historical institution and it has a noble purpose in advancing Chinese education and promote the understanding of Chinese culture and the Chinese community.” Datin Chan said that the Centre will also be creating trust funds to support talented and needy students to pursue their higher education. These trust funds were made possible from the generous donations from kind-hearted individuals, families and organisations who collaborate with HELP University to fund these students.

Datin Chan-Low Kam Yoke, Deputy Chairperson of the Foundation & CFO of HELP University Group giving her welcome speech during the Opening Ceremony of MPL.

The ribbon cutting ceremony officiating the opening of the Malaysian Public Library, Research & Development Centre.

Interior view of the Malaysian Public Library, Research & Development Centre.

About the Malaysian Public Library, Research & Development
The Malaysian Public Library, Research & Development (MPL) was founded 67 years ago by Tan Sri Wen Tien Kuang, the founder and owner of Selangor Properties Berhad. Its’ purpose was to create a center for the Chinese community in Kuala Lumpur to access Chinese reading materials and also serve as a community centre for the general public.
Other key roles and functions of MPL include:
- Provide books and reading materials on Chinese culture and history in Chinese and English to students and the public.
- Organize events, talks, classes and performances and exhibitions on Chinese culture, history and society.
- Collaborate with the general public to highlight the social and cultural affinities existing in Malaysian society.
- All events and activities are open to the general public.
- For further enquiries and info, contact Mr. Wong Tuck Cheong: Tel: 012-2255136