Programme leader & Senior Lecturer

Harkiranpal Singh

Programme leader & Senior Lecturer

Harkiranpal Singh has a double Masters – Master of Law (LL.M) from University of Malaya and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from University of Leicester, UK. He also has Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LL.B (Hons.)) from University of London, UK. 

He has more than 27 years of teaching experience at the tertiary level. He has lectured and taught in various universities including Asia-Pacific University (APU/APIIT), University of Malaya (UM), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Wawasan Open University (WOU) and Open University Malaysia (OUM).

He has also conducted training in the area of “Banking Operations and BAFIA (Banking & Financial Institutional Act 1989)” at iCIMB which is a subsidiary of CIMB Bank. He has also been a speaker at MATRADE’s seminars.

He has conducted seminars in the area of “Business Law in today’s Globalized and Internet Era” and “Export Trade Disputes” at MATRADE.

Currently, in HELP University, he is Senior Lecturer attached to the Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting. His area of expertise includes Business Law, Company Law, Intellectual Property Law and Cyber Laws. He teaches Business Law and Company Law at the undergraduate level in HELP University.