
Dr. Aaron Hong Kai Jeat
Mr. Aaron Hong Kai Jeat is a lecturer at HELP Matriculation Centre (HMC), HELP University. At HMC, he teaches Mathematics and Physics subjects for the Foundation in Science/Arts Programme. He is the subject leader for the Calculus and Physics courses. He actively engages with the students, providing consultation, and assisting students in enhancing concept-understanding on the topics.
Aaron obtained his undergraduate degree, Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics with Merit (2016) from University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Kajang, Malaysia. He received his Master (Research) in Engineering Science (2019) from UTAR, under the supervision of Prof Dr Chong Kok Keong (Prof Chong). Currently, he is pursuing his Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) – By Research at UTAR, under the supervision of Prof Chong, and in joint collaboration with University Putra Malaysia (UPM) under the supervision of Dr Tan Sin Tee.
Aaron has made a total of 11 scholarly contributions, including 10 peer-reviewed papers (March 2024). He has participated in numerous local and international conferences. His research during his Master studies involved the fabrication of organic solar cells (P3HT-PC60BM) and photoactive layer enhancement on photoabsorbance in tailored to local spectrum in Malaysia.
His research during his PhD studies involves wet-chemical synthesis of nanowires, organic photoactive layer enhancement on interfacial charge transfer, and fabrication of perovskite solar cell. During his PhD studies, he has been assisting Dr Tan from UPM in supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students on research projects involving wet-chemical synthesis solar cell projects.
He also has experience in handling several characterization tools (UV-Vis, FTIR, PL, Ivium Potentiostat, JV-characteristic measurement, IPCE measurement, etc.). His current research interests are in the field related to organic solar cell and perovskite solar cell.