Hari Raya Open House

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Campus Events

HELP University ignited the spirit of celebration at Wisma ELM with a spectacular Raya Party, transforming the campus into a vibrant hub of festivity and unity. The event was a feast for the senses, with an array of delicious traditional dishes and an impressive lineup of cultural performances that showcased the rich heritage of Malaysia. Staff and students alike embraced the joyous ambiance, coming together in a shared appreciation of the spirit of Aidilfitri.

To sprinkle an extra dose of excitement into HELP University’s Hari Raya Open House lunch event, the HR Department decided to infuse a dash of TikTok magic. Drawing inspiration from the latest craze, the “Alamak, Raya Lagi” videos, they aimed to captivate hearts and minds with a modern twist on tradition.

The Raya Party at Wisma ELM was more than just a celebration; it was a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering a sense of community and inclusivity. The event provided a platform for cultural exchange, allowing everyone to learn more about each other’s traditions and customs. The spirit of Aidilfitri was truly alive as laughter, music, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.