Law Dinner 2022

Modified on

December 11, 2023
Campus Events

The Faculty of Law and Government (FLAG), in collaboration with the MPU Centre, organised a Law Dinner on Tuesday, 5th July 2022 at Shangri-La, Kuala Lumpur. This evening marked FLAG’s first major event post-pandemic and saw the VIPs, faculty members and students alike dine and mingle with one another. 

The Law Dinner was held as part of the MPU Centre’s Co-Curriculum & Event Management module, with Mr Akhmal Ayob and Dr Sien Ven Yu guiding and advising FLAG with regards to its coordination. Two final year students on the HELP Bachelor of Laws programe, Arthi Ganesan and Mior Ghazi Mior Khairi, were the emcees for the night. 

The purpose of the event was to give the Law students at HELP University, on both the HELP Bachelor of Laws (HULLB) and UK Degree Transfer (UKDTP) programmes, an opportunity to experience a dining event akin to those held at the four Inns of Court in London. Students were equipped with the requisite etiquette skills and professionalism which will continue to be of value to them when they enter the workforce. In order to mirror the dining sessions at the Inns, guests were instructed to wear courtroom attire (hence the sea of black and white in the photos!). 

A number of VIPs graced the Law Dinner with their presence that evening, with Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai (former Malaysian Court of Appeal judge and current consultant at Messrs. MahWengKwai & Associates), Mr Raphael Tay (Partner and Head of Corporate, Commercial and Mergers & Acquisitions at Messrs. LAW Partnership) and Professor Khong Kim Hoong (Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academics at HELP University) attending as guests of honour. A few FLAG alumni were present, namely Mr Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal, Mr Aaron Mathews and Puan Sabreena Abdul Raman, all of whom are currently in legal practice. Last but not least, our very own Ms Vasantha Punniamoorthy (Dean of the Faculty of Law & Government) and Mr Dhanesh Balakrishnan (Dean of the Faculty of University Foundation Studies) were in attendance as well.

Dato’ Mah delivered the keynote address which covered a range of topics. He mapped out the trajectory of his illustrious career and, more crucially, provided the students with some helpful advice and insights with regards to the Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) examination, pupillage and career options post-pupillage. Once Dato’ Mah returned to his seat, dinner was served. Guests were able to enjoy a sumptuous four-course meal, courtesy of Lafite @ Shangri-La, whilst conversing with those seated with them at the same table. It truly was wonderful to witness alumni members, faculty members and students come together for an evening of collaboration and camaraderie, especially after the trials and tribulations of the Covid-19 pandemic.